Dietitian Priyanka

Jamun: Incredible Health Benefits

Dietitian Priyanka

Jamun: Incredible Health Benefits  – Jamun or black plum is important and highly nutritious. Refreshing and succulent fruit flooded the summer markets. It is commonly known as Java Plum or Blackberry in English, and Jamun or Jambul in Hindi. It is well-known to relieve stomach pain, carminative, antiscorbutic, and diuretic. Additionally, it is good for diabetic patients due to its anti-diabetic features. Here we mention some Jamun: Incredible Health Benefits. So stay connected with this blog.

Jamun: Incredible Health Benefits

Jamun is one of the more common fruits in summer that has tons of curative benefits. To know the health benefits of Jamun stay tuned to this blog. There are so many ways to add jamun to your diet. Jamun is packed with nutrients and rich in antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, and flavonoids. Additionally, it also contains nutrients like sodium, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, fiber, niacin, folic acid, and protein. Traditionally Jamun is used in Ayurveda treatments and medications. There are two varieties of Jamun, one is the white flesh variety, and the other is the purple flesh jamun. It treats many health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes, skin issues, infections, asthma, stomach pain, flatulence, and a lot of other medical problems. You can consume this in fruit form, made as a juice, or even used in powder form. You can add them to many healthy recipes like salads, and smoothies as it aids in weight loss.

Some Nutritional and Healthy Facts of Jamun Fruit

Jamun has many medicinal properties as well and is strongly recommended in Ayurveda for treating many health issues. It also prevents stomach pain, arthritis, heart issues, flatulence, asthma, dysentery, and stomach spasm. You can consume this raw and enjoy it as a fruit juice. Janum is used in a variety of recipes, smoothies, and salads. You know its seeds are also used in the form of powder. Nowadays, Jamun’s leaves, bark, and fruit are also used to make health supplements that are available in the form of tablets and capsules. It is loaded with all important nutrients so we can say it is an excellent source of iron, potassium, vitamin C, and proteins.

#1 Jamun helps in Increasing Hemoglobin

As we already said, it is rich in vitamin C and iron and helps increase the hemoglobin count. Additionally, it also works as a blood purifier as well so women can consume Jamun after their menstrual cycle. Because women face blood loss and hence the iron content is beneficial in such situations.

It is great for those individuals who suffer from jaundice and anemia due to the iron content present in it. 

#2 Jamun Keeps the Heart Healthy

Jamun contains lots of nutrients that are healthy for your heart and keep heart issues away. It is rich in antioxidants and fibers that are ideal for regulating cholesterol levels and obstructing plaque formation. Additionally, it contains potassium which helps in preventing diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

It is loaded with other vital nutrients like ellagic, and anthocyanins that have a considerable amount of inflammatory properties. So we can say that people who consume jamun on a daily basis prevent the arteries from hardening.

#3 Jamun Treats Digestive Problems

Jamun is very helpful in stomach problems because it has digestive properties. This fruit is rich in vitamins A and C and has properties that reduce gas formation, bloating, flatulence, and constipation.

Due to antacid properties present in Jamun that prevent excess acid formation in the stomach and help to treat indigestion issues.  

#4 Fight Respiratory Problems

Jamun is used in Ayurveda and it is considered a remedy for treating all types of respiratory problems. Moreover, it is popular for its powerful antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. These anti-inflammatory properties help in treating problems like asthma, the common cold, and flu.

Jamun reduces the catarrh that builds up in the nose and chest hence it makes breathing easy. Therefore it is useful in taking care of asthmatic and bronchitis problems too.

#5 Keep skin healthy and Radiant

Jamun is beneficial in purifying blood in your body and leaving your skin radiant and glowing. This fruit also contains astringent properties that help in treating acne and blemishes. Jamun is loaded with vitamin C properties that help neutralize excess oil production and treat dark spots. Moreover, its antioxidant properties also reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin A helps in preventing premature aging and degenerative eye conditions.

#6 Strengthens Gums

Jamun is beneficial for gum strengthening so you can add Jamun to your recipes. If you are complaining of regular gum bleeding then consuming jamun and its leaves will help bring relief from gum bleeding. Jamun leaves have antibacterial properties and are beneficial to prevent bleeding of gums. You can dry the leaves of the Blackberry, make it fine powder and store them as tooth powder.

#7 Regulates blood pressure

Janum has a significant amount of potassium which helps in reducing the risk of high blood pressure. Moreover, it contains a moderate amount of calories, high water content, and a minimal amount of fat with zero cholesterol.

#8 Aids Weight Loss

Jamun is an important fruit in the weight loss journey because it is rich in fiber and low in calories so we can say that it is an ideal fruit that keeps your stomach sated. It enhances the digestive system, enables better digestion, and reduces water retention in the body.

#9 Jamun Protects Against Infections

Jamun is used in Ayurveda and is used in making supplements. Moreover, it is used as an ancient remedy to fight germs and protect the body against infections. These antibacterial properties are used not only to get rid of germs and bacteria but also to treat and heal wounds.

It reduces fatigue and weakness, leaving you energized and fresh, and phenolic compounds in jamun boost immunity.


We hope you read this blog carefully. In this blog, we discussed some Jamun: Incredible Health Benefits which is beneficial for you while searching for jamun and its health benefits. We hope this blog fulfills your requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1 – What is the specialty of Jamun?

Answer – Jamun is rich in iron and vitamin C which make it a great fruit to boost hemoglobin production in the body. Iron acts as a blood purifier in the body and helps invigorate the red blood cells. You know Jamun is beneficial during periods when women’s blood loss conditions.

Question 2 – Who should not eat jamun?

Answer – Eating jamun in huge quantities may lead to fever, body aches, and throat problems. Jamun should not be taken by those people who have atherosclerosis or a history of formation of blood clots.

Question 3 – Is Jamu good for kidneys?

Answer – Common problems like bloating and constipation are quite rampant. It helps in naturally improving digestion lowering the scope of any GI issues. However, Jamun is not advisable for kidney patients or renal patients since it is rich in potassium. 

Question 4 – Does Jamun have side effects?

Answer – Excess consumption of Jamun can lead to low blood pressure. Moreover, Jamun is rich in vitamin C so overeating can cause constipation. Additionally, if you consume too many berries then they can cause problems for your skin.

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